Cheater-Speak: “I never meant to hurt you.”

“I never meant to hurt you,” says Cheater.

“So, does that make what you did less awful than it is in your head?” says Faithful Spouse.

Imagine management.

That is what such a statement is about. They are trying to portray themselves as mistaken as opposed to willfully cruel.

Regardless of intentions, what they did was very cruel.

It’s impact destroyed so much. Honestly, it really doesn’t matter WHAT their intentions were. They DID hurt their spouse. Deeply.

Cheaters saying such things aren’t really sorry.

They are still trying control how you (and others) see them. Instead of facing up to the consequences of their sins, they are trying to mitigate the fall out of their choices and actions.

Plus, what they said may simply be another lie.

Maybe the DID intent to hurt you but don’t want to be honest about it? How can you trust a proven liar?

I didn’t mean to hurt you? Do you feel better after letting yourself off the hook with that statement because I don’t?

How about instead of making such statements about your “pure” motives you start talking about what you did and how you’re going to make things right now?