Cheater-Speak: “You’ve deceived your closest family and friends.”

“You’ve deceived your closest friends and family into thinking you’re a good person,” says Cheater.

The irony of such a statement is how the Cheater is actually the one who has done this, NOT the faithful spouse!

They have played their cards close to their vest. Cheated and lied for months or years including to their own family and closest friends. However, they refuse to see it.

Instead, Cheaters project their shame upon the faithful spouse.

Cheater accusations sometimes are Cheaters telling on themselves! They imagine everyone behaves as they behave. So, they accuse you of the very thing they are doing.

It is sad.

Such Cheaters are far from repenting. They are still engaged in pointing the finger at anyone but themselves. This is the opposite of repenting. You have to take responsibility for your own sins before you can repent of them.

It is still hurtful, though, to be accused. Yet, remember, that such accusations may just reveal more about the accuser than about you.