Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.
-I Timothy 4:2, NIV
What happens when we walk into a body of cold water?
It usually feels really cold initially. However, as we wait and stay in the water, our legs become numb to the temperatures.
It might even start to feel good.
The same idea applies to cheaters and liars. This same process in the natural world takes place on the spiritual plane. As they wade into the “waters” of lies and deceptions, their conscience might initially warn them that this is uncomfortable, cold.
However, something happens as the cheater stays in the “waters” of deception.
The warning signals reminding them something is wrong soon start to die off and go silent. In fact, they might even get to a state where they “enjoy” being in the waters.
This is when the lies have overtaken their hearts. The writer of I Timothy 4:2 describes this state as one where all sensitivity is gone due to a hot iron having burned it off.
It is a state to pity as it leads to death just like hypothermia does.
Is it possible for a cheater to regain integrity? Yes, however, it will be a painful process like thawing frozen fingers or toes.
Also, it will likely take nothing short of a miracle to reawaken a cheater who has spent a long time in the “waters.” It is hard to regain sensitivity once lost over a long period of time.
This dynamic is one reason why I have strong misgivings about encouraging restoration of marriages to cheaters who have led long double lives. They have stayed in the “waters” very long.
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