“Please pay no attention, my lord, to that wicked man Nabal. He is just like his name—his name means Fool, and folly goes with him.”
-I Samuel 25:25a, NIV
Cheaters just assume. They presume.
They assume that you will roll over and do their bidding. Cheaters do not think we have a backbone…probably because we have allowed them to walk over us for far too long. These people want all the benefits of the marriage without having to keep their commitment to it. Cheaters want to look good but are unwilling to be good. This is the all too common reality.Did ever experience this sort of assumption (presumption, actually) with your cheater?
-They wondered out loud where was their packed lunch even though they told you the night before that they hated you and were divorcing you.
-They felt offended when they ran out of clean clothes because they assumed you would continue doing their laundry even after they told you “it was over.”
-They were going to move out some large furniture from the home, and they just assumed you would do the literal heavy lifting for them as if you were still their spouse and friend as opposed to the ongoing victim of their adulterous abuse.