Cheaters blaming others reveals their own character flaws.

What cheaters often miss while blaming faithful spouses or their marriage conditions is how such behavior reveals them.

A normal, godly person does not cheat in response to typical marriage disappointments. That is not as option on the table for a righteous person. This is the main difference between the cheater and the faithful spouse right here.

The cheater believes adulterous sin is an option while the faithful spouse does not.

Jesus teaches about this when he talks about how what is in our hearts has a tendency of showing by overflowing (see Mark 7:21-23). This is not new.

Sadly, cheaters are not the only ones missing this display. Count yourself fortunate if you have a pastor or counselor who can spot this in the cheater. Many do not.

A cheater displays their character flaws by blaming others and thereby showing their inability to keep the most solemn of human vows–the marriage vow.