Cheaters devalue.

Instead of your shame
    you will receive a double portion,
and instead of disgrace
    you will rejoice in your inheritance.
And so you will inherit a double portion in your land,
    and everlasting joy will be yours.

-Isaiah 61:7, NIV

Cheaters devalue.

They will run you down, figuratively speaking. The whole point is to make it seem like they aren’t losing anything by leaving you. It is part of their discarding tactic.

This is why getting your value from a cheater is such a bad idea.

I know not listening to their hurtful words is easier said than done. We married them and have every right to expect support. So, it is hard to face the reality that they are no longer their to support us. They are now willing to hurt us for their own benefit.

The reality is their words are about them, not you.

They might pick on one of your insecurities. This does not mean their words are about you. They are doing this to alleviate their own guilt and/or to feed their egos via exerting control.

Reality is faithful spouses are truly amazing people.

You are beautiful bunch of people. I’ve met so many talented and gifted faithful spouses over the years. Your stock trades high. The verse in Isaiah 61 has come true over and over, again, in stories I’ve experienced or seen as a faithful spouse.

Take heart. Remember that your value is based on how God sees you, not your Cheater. That value never diminishes. You are priceless to Him!