Chillingly “good” liar

Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord,
But those who deal truthfully are His delight.

-Proverbs 12:22, NKJV

A Chilling Liar

What is especially unnerving about discovering a Cheater who is a good liar is thinking about where the lies end. It is a bottomless pit!

You cannot rely on your own ability to detect the lies as they have a “skill set” that is good at keeping detection at bay.

These sort of Cheaters can look directly in your face and lie with not a flinch. They have made lying a way of life.

When it has gotten to this point, you have a feature of their lives instead of a blip. So, it is much difficult–if not impossible apart from a true miracle–for them to genuinely change and repent.

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