Choose your beliefs wisely!

Cheaters speak all sort of lies about faithful spouses.

They are especially “good” at the discard. They speak distorted things about who we are in order to feel better as if they are discarding us like trash. It helps them to think of us that way.

You do not have to believe their lies about you.

You have the power to choose to believe the truth. You have the power to choose beliefs that build up as oppose to tears down your self worth.

The truth is you are a faithful spouse and your character has been refined like gold through a fire. The cheater has to lie to himself or herself to discard someone of such high value.

No one else has the power to choose the beliefs in your head. Only you have that power. So, choose wisely.

Stop believing the self-debasing lies and start believing the truth–you’re gold!

    *A version of this post ran previously.