CHOOSE your VICTORY narrative!

Instead of shame and dishonor,
    you will enjoy a double share of honor.

-Isaiah 61:7a, NLT

Why would you choose to accept the lie-filled narrative from your cheater as your own narrative?

Choose your own victory narrative!


You are not the rejected spouse.


You are not the morally bankrupt spouse.

RATHER, you are the fire-tested spouse of character.

You are not unworthy of love.

RATHER, you are worthy of greater respect and love than to be soul raped!

You are not “damaged goods.”

RATHER, you are a survivor with wisdom from surviving something most people can never imagine.

You are not a “second class” Christian.

RATHER, you are a rare Christian who knows what it is like to share the fellowship of unjust suffering with Christ.

The beauty of being human is that we get to choose what meaning we will accept or reject. We get to choose how we will respond to what happened to us. Passively accepting internally what others say about us as true does not have to be our fate.

We do not have to accept the lies and devaluing narratives others give us as our own truth.

Instead, we can choose life-giving narratives God has for all those who call Him Lord and Savior!

So, Choose your own victory narrative!



*A version of this post ran previously.

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