Cling to the truth.

“Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

-John 18:37b, NIV


You did not drive your spouse to cheat (and abandon you).


You do not deserve to be abused, and cheating is abuse.


Divorcing a cheater is not sin.


Divorcing an unrepentant cheater is not dooming your kids, rather you are modeling health for your kids by not tolerating adultery.

You get the idea. These are truths to hold onto during a divorce from a cheater.

The danger is to allow the Cheater or other misinformed “Christians” to tell you otherwise. Allowing lies to establish themselves in our heads and hearts is a sure path to emotional torment.

Truth is the weapon God has given us to fight those lies. It is the path to life because Jesus is both truth and life.

May these truths strengthen you as you walk through the valley of dark lies!