Damaging approaches to faithful spouses

Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

-Colossians 3:13b, NIV

How forgiving was Jesus to the Pharisees?

Jesus understood that some people wanted nothing to do with his forgiveness. They were self-righteous, and in their minds, they needed none of his.

This is the usual crowd of cheaters.

They often behave like Pharisees. Some are especially adroit at using religious language. Sadly, many pastors help them in their attempt to manipulate their image.

I hesitate to tell others in person what I do here on the blog. The pastor-types often respond as if what I do here is bludgeon faithful spouses with the command to forgive and uproot their bitterness.

It is awkward to correct the leading dogma of unilateral and unconditional forgiveness in our Christian communities.

Pastors and parishioners alike have a tendency to forget that Jesus treated the “sinners” different than he did the self-righteous Pharisees. This distinction is collapsed in the conversation on forgiveness. But it is a very germane and important distinction when talking about forgiveness and cheaters.

We are to forgive like Jesus did.

Jesus did this with tenderness for those beaten down. For the self-righteous, he was hard and confrontational. If we are to live out this commandment, we need context and not just a blanket “cheap grace” stance.