Deadened Conscience

Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.

-I Timothy 4:2, NIV

Deadened Conscience

What some find utterly astounding is how Cheaters do not seemed bothered by some of the cruelest behaviors towards their spouses. They are often shameless in their contempt for the spouse of their youth.

It is sick but not new.

Sickness is the best description. Something is amiss when cruelty is no longer a warning sign to the Cheater. As I teach, you have hope if bad behavior like sin bothers you.

Things get dangerous–spiritually–when your sin bothers you no longer.

Sadly, that is where many Cheaters reside. In that case, the best of bad options is get free from them and avoid going down the path of destruction with them.