And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!
-Romans 5:5, TPT
Despair lies all the time.
It tells you to live in fear and give up all hope of a better future. This is the voice of death and darkness. It is NOT the voice of your Heavenly Father.
I am here to testify to hope. God has a future for you! You might not be able to see it right now.
However, I want to remind you that God is in the business of transforming hopeless situations into glorious testimonies!
God did as much for me!
I was in the dark pit around this time nearly a decade ago. My marriage had just recently ended with a divorce. Things looked bleak. Yet God was at work.
My career was slowly gaining its footing and within a few months I had met Ms. DM and Munchkin. God was at work even while I had no idea what that bright future might be!
Please do not listen to Despair for Despair is a nasty liar!