Divorce Minister Blog Persists!

God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

-2 Corinthians 1:3b-4, NLT

As long as the church fails to take adultery seriously and continues unbiblical divorce shame, I feel called to continue delivering the message of this blog.

The Church has infidelity abuse so backwards that often victims are blamed for their victimization. They are treated worse than the aggressor in the relationship who is too often coddled and excused.

To be fair, I know plenty of pastors do not know what to do in these situations.

This is in part why I continue to blog. I am trying to provide a resource to pastors and faithful spouses to navigate these tricky waters.

The advice the world gives is too often destructive and has a “wisdom” veneer. Pushing a faithful spouse back into the marriage is like pushing beaten spouse back to her batterer.

Sadly, the reconciliation advice dispensed to faithful spouses is even worse when it is clothed in biblical language. Spiritual abuse abounds in these situations.

I started this blog to “Take Adultery Seriously” and will continue with that battle cry!

While blogs have mostly gone out of vogue, I still believe this small digital shore is serving a purpose and will continue writing.

Thank you to all who visit and make up the community connecting here at Divorce Minister!

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