Divorce Minister Blog Reaches Over 50,000!

Over 50,000 Individual Visitors!


Divorce Minister: Taking Adultery Seriously officially launched on July 11th, 2014.

Since that date, we have had over 50,000 unique individual visitors as of today. This includes individuals from over 150 different countries stretching across the globe. Plus, the blog has had over 150,000 views.

All under 1.5 years of existence!

I share this as an encouragement. The message is getting out. Faithful spouses, we are not alone. People are interested in finding and/or learning about how to better care spiritually and emotionally for faithful spouses plus others affected by infidelity.

That is encouraging.

Yet it is also bittersweet. The need for this voice is readily apparent. These things need to be said. A pastoral voice speaking on these matters is clearly in high demand. A hunger exists for practical theology grounded in lived experiences.

I will continue blogging…

…and when life settles down, I hope to organize my thoughts and put out a book on the subject matters here.

Thank you for visiting and making this blogging milestone possible!