DM Book Rough Manuscript Completed!

I  completed the rough draft of my book today! Woohoo!

It is currently 120 pages long.

My working title is:

Taking Adultery Seriously: The Divorce Minister Guide to Surviving Infidelity

What do you all think?

Drop me a line in the comments if you have any suggestions re:title.



As I work on the book, I will need more resources to polish it up to publication quality prose. I welcome financial support if you are able.

So, if you are fed spiritually by Divorce Minister–and only if you are financially able, I would greatly appreciate a donation at this time.

Button to donate at bottom of the post.

Elders who do their work well should be respected and paid well, especially those who work hard at both preaching and teaching.

-I Timothy 5:17, NLT

Any size gift would help. Anything would be an encouragement in this time of book finishing plus day-job transition for me.

Thank you, in advance!