When the “dog” poos in your bed…

Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

-Hebrews 13:4, NASB

When the dog* poops in your bed, do you respond by telling your dog…

“You’re such a good boy!”


I suspect you do not spend time trying to convince the dog that his poo doesn’t stink.

You might even grab your dog firmly and put his nose into his poo to teach him a lesson:

You do NOT poop in Master’s bed!

The same thing applies to cheaters.

Cheaters have proverbially pooped in the marriage bed. Defiled it.


Stop telling them how wonderful they are.

Stop telling them that their poop doesn’t stink.

That’s not what they need.

They need to face the mess they made. A good nose-full of the consequences will do a cheater good.

If you do not do that, be not surprised when they “poop” the marriage bed again like the dog who never faced any consequences for his bad behavior.

*By the way, I think many dogs are better behaved than cheaters. This analogy is not meant to denigrate those fine faithful creatures.