Two to Tango? Yet some cannot or will not even dance.

Random Christian: Sure, she cheated on you. But you know, it takes two to tango. DM: That only applies if you have two willing and able dance partners. She clearly is not willing and possibly not even able to “tango” with me. The “It takes two to tango” line is a subtle blame-shift upon faithful … Continue reading “Two to Tango? Yet some cannot or will not even dance.”

Settled in mind and heart

When I was in the heat of my marriage dissolution, I remember constantly being thrown off by the email responses I received from my (now) ex-wife. They would make me particularly upset when she continued to insist on pinning the fault for the marriage ending on me. Looking back now, I can see how out … Continue reading “Settled in mind and heart”

But they ARE crazy! For realz.

But a man who commits adultery has no sense…. -Proverbs 6:32a, NIV A common word of advice in the dating world is not to date a divorced individual who describes their ex as “crazy.”* Maybe you have heard this one? Such bad-mouthing of an ex is treated as a major red flag. The idea is that … Continue reading “But they ARE crazy! For realz.”

On treating cheating as incidental to the divorce…

“If a man commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, both the man and the woman who have committed adultery must be put to death.” -Leviticus 20:10, NLT What astounds me with pastors and Christian marriage counselors who deal with marital infidelity situations is how too many treat cheating as incidental to a marriage ending in … Continue reading “On treating cheating as incidental to the divorce…”

A Cheater’s Brutal “Honesty”

“I got to be open and honest with you…” -Cheater This usually precedes some brutal statement about the “failings” of the faithful spouse as understood by the cheater. The openness and honest part of such a verbal barrage is usually limited to being open and clear in the cheater’s utter contempt and hatred for the … Continue reading “A Cheater’s Brutal “Honesty””

A Religious Cheater–Tullian Tchividjian…again

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? -Romans 6:1-2, NKJV Tullian Tchividjian, Reverend Billy Graham’s disgraced grandson, is back in the news. More details are coming out about his infidelity. See story here and … Continue reading “A Religious Cheater–Tullian Tchividjian…again”

Better Days Ahead!

The Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning…. -Job 42:12a, NASB So much is done within the Church to reinforce fears concerning divorce. Even a ministry I generally recommend for those divorcing a cheating spouse, DivorceCare, does this to some extent. They certainly do not encourage divorce–even when, I believe, that … Continue reading “Better Days Ahead!”

Painful Absence

You have removed lover and friend far from me; My acquaintances are in darkness. -Psalm 88:18, NASB Holidays can be especially painful when you find yourself recently bereft of your spouse or long-time partner. Honestly, some of the most painful parts of my marriage ending was adjusting to no longer having my spouse with me … Continue reading “Painful Absence”