Good Friday, Proof That Sin Is Serious Stuff!

“What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked. They all answered, “Crucify him!” -Matthew 27:22, NIV Sin is serious stuff! It is not the sort of thing that God sweeps under the rug. God does not turn a blind-eye to sin. His character requires justice is done. The debt must … Continue reading “Good Friday, Proof That Sin Is Serious Stuff!”

Misreading “The Unmerciful Servant Parable”

“Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants….” -Matthew 18:23, NIV This is the opening verse to a famous parable Jesus told to illustrate our need to forgive others. It is often labeled something like “The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant” or something like that. Here … Continue reading “Misreading “The Unmerciful Servant Parable””

A Picture Of Repentance From Jonah

7 Then the king and his nobles sent this decree throughout the city: “No one, not even the animals from your herds and flocks, may eat or drink anything at all. 8 People and animals alike must wear garments of mourning, and everyone must pray earnestly to God. They must turn from their evil ways and stop … Continue reading “A Picture Of Repentance From Jonah”

Forgiving My Ex

PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Yesterday’s passage (John 20:21-23) and post has led me to rethink the question of whether or not I have forgiven my ex-wife. When I was going through my ecclesiastical trial to retain my minister’s license, this was one of the questions being asked of me. Namely, they asked me if I had forgiven my … Continue reading “Forgiving My Ex”

Fueling Cynicism: Tullian Tchividjian’s Story Continuing To Unravel

In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right,     until someone comes forward and cross-examines. -Proverbs 18:17, NIV This verse has a particularly unhappy history with me. It is a verse that was part of the instructions for ministers applying The Divorce Policy Exception process to a divorced minister in the EFCA. Essentially, the quotation … Continue reading “Fueling Cynicism: Tullian Tchividjian’s Story Continuing To Unravel”

Tullian Tchividjian Saga Continues…

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. … But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. -Ephesians 5:11, 13, NIV Former Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Tullian Tchividjian again has found himself in the midst of a storm created … Continue reading “Tullian Tchividjian Saga Continues…”

Clergy: To marry an adulterous couple or not?

 “I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” -Matthew 19:9, NIV  I meant that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin…or is abusive, or is a drunkard, or cheats people. Don’t even eat … Continue reading “Clergy: To marry an adulterous couple or not?”