“We were already divorced in our hearts.”

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. – 2 Timothy 4:3, NIV Another Common Demonic Lie: “You know that we were already divorced in … Continue reading ““We were already divorced in our hearts.””

More Bad Advice

“Just let her know you are there waiting. Hold the space for the marriage.” – Pastor God did not wait forever for Israel. We see that in Jeremiah 3:8. God accepted Israel’s decisions to choose against the covenant by pursuing adulterous relationships. This is part of the reason I find the advice above unhelpful. It … Continue reading “More Bad Advice”

Necessary But NOT Sufficient

The pastoral impulse to “save” marriages is strong. It is flattering and exhilirating to be a part of a resurrection story where a marriage comes back from its adulterous death. I get it. Who really wants to be the divorce attorney’s pastoral equivalent encouraging only marriage funerals? I don’t. I love miracle stories and would love to be … Continue reading “Necessary But NOT Sufficient”

Two Pastors “Talk” About DM’s Postings on TVC Scandal

Bruce wrote in response to a post (click here), David, I have read most, if not all, of your articles regarding the Village Church situation, browsed many of the links you shared, including the gut-wrenching one in this article of other similar stories. I also listened to Pastor Matt’s sermon on May 31 as I … Continue reading “Two Pastors “Talk” About DM’s Postings on TVC Scandal”

Sometimes You Have To Choose

Pastors, Someday You Will Have To Choose In Your Counsel Between Enabling Adultery or Encouraging Divorce. Is Your Theology Ready For That? I write this as I reflect upon the trainwreck that is The Village Church pastoral care. Here’s a post to some rather hair-raising stories of spiritual abuse (click here). My hope is that … Continue reading “Sometimes You Have To Choose”

The “Victim” Word Phobia

Learn to do good.     Seek justice. Help the oppressed.     Defend the cause of orphans.     Fight for the rights of widows. -Isaiah 1:17, NLT Is it just to treat victims the same way as you treat perpetrators of sins against them? God calls those in power–like pastors and church leaders–to seek justice as seen in this … Continue reading “The “Victim” Word Phobia”

Why I Care About TVC’s and Matt Chandler’s Unclear Apology

Why A Clear TVC Apology Matters To DM A version of this post appeared on MPT’s blog as a followup comment (click here) I do not claim to be able to judge the sincerity of Matt Chandler and TVC leadership as I cannot see into the hearts of these men. Only God knows the true … Continue reading “Why I Care About TVC’s and Matt Chandler’s Unclear Apology”

Evangelical Helpline For Struggling Marriages

Calling the Focus on the Family® Helpline When the Other Man was revealed to me, I called a helpline to figure out my next steps. Specifically, I called the Focus on the Family® Helpline (1-855-771-HELP (4357)). It actually was supportive for me. My mother had called earlier and had a very bad experience with the … Continue reading “Evangelical Helpline For Struggling Marriages”

Update Re: Matt Chandler’s Sermon and TVC Apology

***UPDATE ON THE VILLAGE CHURCH & KAREN SITUATION*** Matt Chandler gave a sermon addressing general church discipline matters and asked for forgiveness regarding anonymous situations at The Village Church (video of sermon here). It comes across as a sincere apology. I appreciate Chandler acknowledging counsel turned to control at times and naming that as leadership … Continue reading “Update Re: Matt Chandler’s Sermon and TVC Apology”

As Long As This Is Being Taught By Pastors…

Recently, someone told me that her pastor said that that people who divorce their spouses for adultery could not remarry. I asked her where he got that notion. She said “The Word of God, of course!” I asked her why other conservative pastors would disagree with her pastor when they know “the Word of God”  as well. … Continue reading “As Long As This Is Being Taught By Pastors…”