March Madness Indeed! This past month saw the highest volume of visitors to the blog ever for a calender month. We had over 10,000 views from nearly 3,000 unique individuals hailing from over 65 different countries of origin. It is encouraging to see the word is getting out there even if that indicates the need … Continue reading “Celebrating Record Shattering Month–10,000+ Views!”
Author: Divorce Minister
Was Jesus Being “Unforgiving” In Matthew 18?
“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you…. and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.” -Jesus in Matthew 18:15a, 17b, NIV Was Jesus Being “Unforgiving” To Demand the Sinner Listen To His/Her Victim? Christians often … Continue reading “Was Jesus Being “Unforgiving” In Matthew 18?”
Gotta Ask Yourself: Why did she HAVE TO leave?
To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. – I Corinthians 7:10, NIV While a marriage is falling apart or actively being destroyed as it is with infidelity, it is easy to be caught in a fog. Your rational mind may not be able … Continue reading “Gotta Ask Yourself: Why did she HAVE TO leave?”
Adulterous Assault of Masculinity and Feminity
When adultery or infidelity takes place, lies are seeded into the hearts of the faithful spouses. Or they are attempted to be seeded. These are nasty things. They attack the worth and well-being of the victim of this heinous sin. The lies attempt to steal even more from the faithful spouse whose soul has just … Continue reading “Adulterous Assault of Masculinity and Feminity”
Beauty From Ashes
***A SPECIAL DAY*** Today is a special day for me and Mrs. DM. On this day one year ago, God transformed the ashes of my divorce into a beautiful beginning of a marriage to Mrs. DM. So thankful for this adventure with a true “shield-maiden” and friend! We chose II Corinthians 1:3-4 as the verse … Continue reading “Beauty From Ashes”
Over Half A Million Christians On Adultery Dating Site
In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. – Judges 21:25, ESV Recently, Chump Lady sent me a link to a story regarding yet another adultery facilitating online dating business. This service happens to be in the UK, and it is a booming business among professing … Continue reading “Over Half A Million Christians On Adultery Dating Site”
How Did the Church Get To This Place?
While I was going through my divorce and subsequent ecclesiastical trial, I looked at a variety of theologically conservative denominations searching out how they handled divorced pastors/priests. What I found in the evangelical landscape was discouraging to put it bluntly. Plus, I experienced much of the problem in my very personal and humiliating trial to … Continue reading “How Did the Church Get To This Place?”
Wisdom from the movie “The Help”
Along the lines of choosing to walk in the truth and deprogram the lies given to us by our adulterous (ex?) spouses and their supporters, I recalled a particular powerful moment in one of my favorite movies. The movie is The Help, which came out in 2011. It is a movie chronicling the segregated South in the … Continue reading “Wisdom from the movie “The Help””
Lies Like Sword Wounds
Like a club or a sword or a sharp arrow is one who gives false testimony against a neighbor. Proverbs 25:18, NIV The lies. Lies attacking the faithful spouse’s character. Lies designed to destroy worth and humiliate. Lies hiding the true marital history. Lies manipulating counselors/pastors against the faithful spouse. Lies Lies. Lies. They are … Continue reading “Lies Like Sword Wounds”
Defending the Vulnerable!
“How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. -Psalm 82:2-4, NIV It is not a level playing field when adultery is discovered. … Continue reading “Defending the Vulnerable!”