Dear Divorce Minister, I moved to Africa 8 years ago to join my African husband (married 6 yrs, no children). There was no way he would have moved in my direction as he was passionate about his job in Africa. I accepted that and gave up my job, house & country with friends and … Continue reading “Dear Divorce Minister…Please help me to create some clarity in this mess.”
Author: Divorce Minister
Prayers Appreciated!
Dear Readers, As an act of faith, I am planning on pitching an article on caring for adultery survivors to an online Christian magazine soon. The idea is to bring more exposure to the blog, and this online publication is to an edgy evangelical online magazine with many readers. If they pick it up, I … Continue reading “Prayers Appreciated!”
God Doesn’t Waste Our Wilderness Wandering
“Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him…” – Exodus 3:1-2a, NIV “When Moses heard this, he fled to Midian, … Continue reading “God Doesn’t Waste Our Wilderness Wandering”
True Friends
Forgive me for inflicting my musical tastes on you again. And I realize this is an especially twangy, country song. I selected it for its lyrics more than the twang 😉 This is a song that talks about how a true friend backs their friendship with actions. I know this is especially important, and such … Continue reading “True Friends”
Happy New Year 2015 & Thank You To Over 11,000 Unique Visitors!
Happy New Year 2015 & Thank You To All Our Many Visitors! It is humbling and encouraging to see the response this blog has received this past year. The blog was born on July 11th, 2014 and thereby is not even 6 months old. However, it continues to grow as I have seen an uptick … Continue reading “Happy New Year 2015 & Thank You To Over 11,000 Unique Visitors!”
Anti-Divorce Focus Is Lazy Pastoring
Let’s be honest here: It is easier to identify people who are divorced than people who are committing adultery. Adulterous spouses are notorious for hiding their cheating ways with various levels of success. However, with a divorce, a public stance is made. The marriage relationship is officially over in the eyes of the state. And … Continue reading “Anti-Divorce Focus Is Lazy Pastoring”
Sometimes God Leads Us To Places We Do Not Want To Go
A popular song in evangelical churches these days is called “Oceans (Where Feet My Fail).” Here’s the YouTube version: The lines “Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander / And my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior” strike me. It reminds me of Jesus’ prophecy over the Apostle … Continue reading “Sometimes God Leads Us To Places We Do Not Want To Go”
Mailbag: What To Do?
Danabern7 wrote, I would like you and your wife’s advice on my situation . Husband cheated on me in an affair for sure 15 yrs. ago . About 4 yrs. ago I found text messages to him and a married co- worker calling her “baby” and that’s my girl”. When I threatened to call her … Continue reading “Mailbag: What To Do?”
Wrathful God
5 You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world. 6 Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey … Continue reading “Wrathful God”
Israel truly “divorced” and not restored
“She [nation of Judah] saw that for all the adulteries of that faithless one, Israel, I had sent her away with a decree of divorce. Yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but she too went and played the whore.” -God speaking in Jeremiah 3:8, ESV While very graphic and difficult (using words like … Continue reading “Israel truly “divorced” and not restored”