Christian Love Ain’t Unconditional…it enforces healthy boundaries, too.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. – … Continue reading “Christian Love Ain’t Unconditional…it enforces healthy boundaries, too.”

Divorce Minister Anniversary: Glad & Sad

Blog Turned 5 Months Old Yesterday: 37,013 Views 9,943 Visitors Coming from 90+ Countries All these are the stats as I write this, one day past the blog anniversary. It is amazing how this ministry continues to grow and how it clearly has touched many lives already even though it is still in its infancy. … Continue reading “Divorce Minister Anniversary: Glad & Sad”

Not Too Sensitive, Just Burned

Fools mock at making amends for sin,     but goodwill is found among the upright. – Proverbs 14:9, NIV When someone intentionally boils water and scalds another with it, I find it heartless to then blame the burn victim for crying out in pain when they are touched lightly on his/her burns. Such is how I … Continue reading “Not Too Sensitive, Just Burned”

Proscribing Patience For Adulterous Spouses But None For Faithful Spouses

In my trial to keep my license as a minister, a focus of the questions was about whether or not I had forgiven my ex-wife. This is a fair question to ask a minister. Bitterness in the pulpit is a dangerous thing. And we are commanded to forgive. However, the accompanying piece was conspicuously absent. … Continue reading “Proscribing Patience For Adulterous Spouses But None For Faithful Spouses”

Divorce Is NOT Worst Outcome Following Adultery

  The speaker in the above clip from The Gospel Coalition, which is a theologically Reformed group of like-minded, evangelical Christian leaders, is Pastor Erwin Lutzer. He is a longtime senior pastor at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL. Pastor Lutzer does radio shows espousing his evangelical views and is a very prolific writer publishing … Continue reading “Divorce Is NOT Worst Outcome Following Adultery”

Pastor Matt Chandler on the De-churched

A major danger during the time of adultery discovery and divorce is to lose one’s faith. Pastor Matt Chandler does an excellent job in this brief clip explaining how that can easily happen. He even names divorce as one of potential catalysts. Maybe you can relate to this clip? I can. It felt extremely unjust … Continue reading “Pastor Matt Chandler on the De-churched”

Honest Psalmist

Your wrath has swept over me;     your terrors have destroyed me. All day long they surround me like a flood;     they have completely engulfed me. You have taken from me friend and neighbor—     darkness is my closest friend.   -Psalm 88:16-18, NIV And so ends Psalm 88. In total darkness. My best friend told me … Continue reading “Honest Psalmist”