I remember vividly driving down one specific stretch of I-35 years ago in complete protest to what was happening. The feelings were surreal! Divorce wasn’t something that was to happen to me! I could not believe this was happening. And I SOOOO wanted the pain of it all to end. It hurt so bad. I … Continue reading “Protest feelings”
Sanctimonious Bovine Scat!
“I feel like I have to keep divorce as an option or I am making my marriage an idol,” says duplicitous Cheater. “God wants me to be happy,” says self-deceived Cheater. Sanctimonious Bovine Scat! The invoking of religion in an attempt to “justify” their cheating is especially awful, in my opinion. It messes with one’s … Continue reading “Sanctimonious Bovine Scat!”
Mine, mine, mine!
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” -Matthew 6:24, NIV “How dare you invade MY privacy?!” “How dare you steal MY money?!” “How dare you take MY … Continue reading “Mine, mine, mine!”
On Loaded Questions
“You gotta ask yourself: ‘Why did she HAVE TO leave you?’” says Cheater apologist. “No, the right question is why you are assuming she HAD TO sin,” says Faithful Spouse. “Why did she have to leave you?” is a “Loaded Question“–a logical fallacy. It makes a very BIG assumption–i.e. she HAD TO leave is the … Continue reading “On Loaded Questions”
Dating, again? Look for character!
Dating again? Look for character. I know it is scary to think of this happening to you, again. Dating can be both thrilling and scary. It is hard to trust, again, after being so burned. First, I would recommend NOT dating until your divorce is finalized. You do not need to be in a hurry … Continue reading “Dating, again? Look for character!”
Choose your beliefs wisely!
Cheaters speak all sort of lies about faithful spouses. They are especially “good” at the discard. They speak distorted things about who we are in order to feel better as if they are discarding us like trash. It helps them to think of us that way. You do not have to believe their lies about … Continue reading “Choose your beliefs wisely!”
Smell your desperation
End the evil of those who are wicked, and defend the righteous. For you look deep within the mind and heart, O righteous God. -Psalm 7:9, NLT Cheaters can smell our desperation. I am convinced of this. They know when we will do about anything to keep the marriage together. AND they will use that … Continue reading “Smell your desperation”
Grateful for my secular divorce lawyer
When I got divorced back in 2012, I had a good divorce lawyer. She was probably the clearest-eyed professional in the whole saga ending. It was a flat fee sort of thing. Looking back, I am grateful that somehow I found this lawyer seeing how divorce attorneys can be very expensive. (It was definitely a … Continue reading “Grateful for my secular divorce lawyer”
Cheater offering “honesty”
“Well, I have learned that I have to be open and honest. You never… (Cheater’s pet peeve about faithful spouse).” -Cheater to Pastor in Couple’s Session Does this ring a bell for anyone? If it does, I submit it does as it is part of the demonic playbook to destroy faithful spouses. To be clear, … Continue reading “Cheater offering “honesty””
Faithful to the faithful
25 To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity. 26 To the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd. 27 You rescue the humble, but you humiliate the proud. -Psalm 18:25-27, NLT God is faithful. And God is not fooled by the behavior of Cheaters. … Continue reading “Faithful to the faithful”