The common counsel about rebuilding infidelity ravaged marriages is to look to unmet needs.
This is hogwash!
Just consider all the “unmet” needs of spouses over generations. If “unmet needs” is what causes infidelity, then all those marriages ought have been infidelity riddled...but they weren’t.
The Bible is crystal clear that sin arises out of the heart of the sinner (see Mark 7:21-23).
To deal with sin–as adultery IS a sin–you need to examine the heart of the one committing the sin. They need to look inward, NOT outward to marriage circumstances!
It is not simply something was missing. Plenty of marriages have had “something missing” without either partner cheating on each other.
What comes next is the entitlement lie that the cheater believed:
Because I am not getting _____, I am entitled to cheat.
As long as that lie is left unchecked, I have no hope for a marriage avoiding future infidelity violations by the cheater. It doesn’t matter if they address the so called “unmet needs.”
“Unmet needs” wasn’t the problem. The cheater believing an entitlement lie was!
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