Find a winner and ditch the loser

Today wasn’t my day at the meet.

I missed each of three attempts at 335kgs (738lbs). But I was REALLY close to completing the lift on my third attempt. It happens in this sport.

That said, my amazing wife packed up our kiddo and exchange student to drive down three and half hours to see me compete. They will drive back later tonight while I rest up after the grueling competition. I am a little fried by the effort.

My point in sharing all this is that I am grateful for Mrs. DM. She is a wonderful partner and a true gift to me. 

All the fear mongering around divorce misses out on the beautiful stories–like mine–of much happier and healthier marriages than the one to Cheater. And that is not to even mention how life is so rich with a Munchkin proud of and supporting me.

Life can and does get better sans Cheater… and it doesn’t even have to be with a new partner… my story just happens to include one for whom I am truly grateful!

I may not have won at this particular meet; but I am a winner in what truly counts–family. This is what today’s events tell me.