My silly cat, Mr. Pickles, got me through my divorce. I will always be thankful for this furry buddy.
He would meet me at the door when I got home, and would roll over for a tummy rub, which would end with him attacking my foot as I rubbed his belly.
At night, he would sleep between my two feet. He never bothered my face, thankfully. Many mornings, I would awake with his warm body between my legs on top of the bed quilt.
He made me feel loved and wanted–even if, I was just a warm body and a food ticket for him.
God knew I needed a furry buddy like Mr. Pickles in that season of my life. He helped me feel less alone during a very isolating part of my life.
These days I have a parrot, Loki, who is my special buddy. Mrs. DM tells me how he gets excited as he knows when I get home from work. He starts dancing and whistling as he hears me pull into our garage. Then he swoops down and lands on my shoulder as soon as I get inside. Again, what a gift love is from a cherished pet!
How about you? Do you have a furry friend? A feathered friend?
I am grateful for the animals God gives us. They bring so much life and love to our lives (and sometimes, some mischief, but we love them still).