Gratitude through Grief

“Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.”

Matthew 5:4, KJV

Gifts from grief came along with all the hard, traumatic losses of my first marriage.

For starters, I appreciate what was restored to me more. I do not take my position as a husband and father today for granted.

This was driven home to me today as I visited my daughter at school for lunch. She made a special rest to have me come since I was off work.

I treasure these visits in my heart.

They are sweet to me knowing how I felt when my first wife rejected me and a future with children with me in it. Through the grief of such loss has come gratitude.

It is a gift from God that I get to be Munchkin’s dad.

There are other gifts, too.

Things I did not notice the first time I was married or under-appreciated at the time. This is what I mean by the gifts of grief.

Like losing your health, you gain a new appreciation for when you were healthy prior (and probably never thought of it as such).





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