Happy Easter–Resurrection Sunday!

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

-Matthew 28:6, NIV

To all those wondering if life exists after discovering infidelity and divorce, I would point to Resurrection Sunday.

Hope exists even when it might look hopeless.

I remember a particular Easter now five years ago when things were completely bleak. My (then) wife had already decided not to bother celebrating Easter with me.

It was merely a matter of time until she became my ex-wife.

For those having that sort of Easter this year, I want to encourage you. It does get better. Life–yes, even abundant life–does exist on the other side.

I say this as one who has seen both ends.

Resurrection Sunday stands as a reminder that however bleak the circumstances–like God Himself being killed!–nothing is beyond God’s redemptive power.

He is risen, indeed! Hallelujah!!


One thought on “Happy Easter–Resurrection Sunday!”

  1. Amen!!
    Resurrections Sunday is a great reminder that God uses for good what the enemy intended for evil (Genesis 50:20 & Romans 8:28)!

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