Hardened their hearts

But Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time also; neither would he let the people go.

-Exodus 8:32, NKJV

I do not know if it is demonic or simply human nature to harden one’s heart to God’s ways. Here in the story of the Exodus, it seems simply a human function.

Some people will harden their hearts towards God’s will. It doesn’t matter what they see including God’s miracles.

Some of us might have seen this hardening in real time. It was almost as if something came over our Cheater. They went from reasonable to raging as if possessed.

What prompted this sudden, dramatic change? A call to do the right thing in the moment.

Like Pharaoh of old, our Cheater hardened their heart. They refused to do the right thing. In fact, it enraged them that we would even ask them to do so.

Demonic or human wickedness causing this matters not. The reality is that this is not a workable situation for faithful spouses. Your Cheater is far from repentant. You have nothing to work with here.

Divorce is a mercy in these situations (see Mt 19:9). Sadly, some will choose a hard heart over God’s many pleas to choose otherwise. You do not have to join them on such a wide path of destruction, though.


One thought on “Hardened their hearts”

  1. Yep, my cheater was never easy to live with, but he did change drastically pretty much over night. In fact so much over night that if I would remember they day he got promoted to Captain on the PD, I could tell you exactly when he changed.

    I noticed it, and after a few weeks I questioned him and he said “work stress”.

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