Some cheaters will remove their wedding ring while cheating.
Mine was still cheating and lying with her wedding ring removed. Her anger was almost palpable when I mentioned seeing it gone in my confrontation with her over the Other Man.
Denying her sexual infidelity with this man (later confirmed as a lie in writing to me later), her take was that my insistence on her wearing her wedding ring was the issue. It was not.
How unreasonable for me to insist on my wife behaving like a married woman and wear the token of her vows to me?! Ha.
Look at cheater’s actions. They tell the real truth; not their words.
A cheater involved with another person who is refusing to wear their wedding ring is shouting:
“I’m done keeping my wedding vows!”
I understand that some circumstances call for not wearing a wedding ring. However, I am talking about when it is perfectly safe to wear one, and the cheater chooses not to do so.
The wedding ring is token and symbol of those sacred vows. It serves as a reminder both to the cheater and outsiders of them.
So, it makes sense that a cheater would want to set the ring(s) aside when violating those vows. This is a small action–removing the wedding ring–with a BIG message.
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