Hope with Holy Saturday

Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid.  It was Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was about to begin.

-Luke 23:53-54, NIV

The disciples thought it was all over. Jesus was dead. The light had gone out of the world.

This is Holy Saturday.

Many of us can relates to the feelings of those disciples. All seems lost. Hope has packed his bags and has departed this world.

All is darkness.


The sun will still come up tomorrow. Easter morning is coming. Whenever your hope is rooted and anchored to Jesus, hope has never truly forsaken or abandoned you.

It just feels that way today.

It is Holy Saturday.

But one day…tomorrow or many tomorrows later…You will bask in God’s glorious light and hope.

I know the despair of the darkness. I know what it feels like to be living an non-ending serious of Holy Saturdays.


I know what it is like when the dawn of Easter morning arrives in my life. The glory of that day (actually, THOSE days!) far exceeds my wildest hopes and dreams for my life.

Hang in there if you feel stuck on Holy Saturday. Jesus is worth holding on to for hoping in him does not disappoint.

Easter morning is coming!