House sold. House bought. Now, unpacking.

Well, Mrs. DM and I are busy unpacking in our new home.

God is so faithful. He did a work to both get our place to sell and for us to get this particular house.

I am grateful.

So much of surviving infidelity and thriving later, I believe, is not allowing the situation and religious attackers separate you from God. He is a “good bet.”

My life continues to bear this out. He did not have to be so generous. BUT HE IS!!!

My hope is that you will one day see God’s generousity in your life, too!

In the meantime, I hope my testimony encourages you. It DOES get better (even if, and maybe especially if, it doesn’t feel like it now.)

Well, I am going to sign off. I have work tomorrow and much more unpacking to do.

One thought on “House sold. House bought. Now, unpacking.”

  1. Yes. Your testimony has been a great help, indeed, sir. Thanks for sharing. God bless you and your family, in the Name of Christ Jesus 🙂

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