Joshua Harris on his divorce and leaving Christianity

Harris is very likable and humble in this interview.

He gives some hints as to what was behind his marriage ending.

Harris says,

“…if you are living in unrepentant sin, then you have to be put out of the church.

…. I excommunicated myself essentially.”

Examples of what offenses might cause this excommunication:

“Getting an unbiblical divorce. Living in any form of unrepentant sin. Often times, that is related to sexuality…an affair. You know, living a gay lifestyle….”

So, here are what I infer from this interview regarding Joshua Harris and his divorce:

1. Harris decided he was not living by the standards of following Christ as he understands the Bible, and therefore, he decided to acknowledge himself as no longer a follower of Christ.

2. His divorce is brought up in the context of unrepentant sin. In particular, he speaks of an unbiblical divorce. 

3. He then redirects the questioner in discussing sexual sin to explicitly name living a gay lifestyle. By doing so, its suggestive that this is where he lands on the issue of his own divorce.

Whatever his real reasons for the divorce, I appreciate that Harris does not try to twist Christianity into a tool justifying what he knows it cannot.

That is more than many of our cheaters did (not saying, he is a cheater, IDK). Harris honorably looked at his divorce and understood he could not call himself a Christian while proceeding in whatever lifestyle he currently is living.

I can respect that.

And I hope Harris finds his way back into the arms of Jesus.