Just grateful

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ….

-Ephesians 5:20, KJV

I believe gratitude is the secret to healthy living–spiritually speaking.

When we choose to be grateful, we are choosing to see the many gifts in our lives and focus on real positives. Life becomes full of gifts rather than problems when we live the discipline of gratitude.

Now, I understand gratefulness is hard to live when we are going through difficult seasons. Been there.

Yet I believe we reap a great harvest if we do not give up–especially, when the season is difficult. It is a spiritual discipline precisely because it takes work and sometimes is hard.

Today, gratitude is fairly easy for me.

I have so much for which to give thanks:

My wife, Mrs. DM, is a real gift to me. Munchkin fills my heart with joy. Our parrots make we smile. I have a good paying job that provides meaningful work. Yesterday, I had the joy of dropping by and chatting with my folks. Later today, I get to catch up with my best friend who saw me through my dark season. I am truly, truly blessed.

Take stock today.

For what or whom, do you give thanks?