Know no shame

But the Lord is still there in the city,
and he does no wrong.
Day by day he hands down justice,
and he does not fail.
But the wicked know no shame.

-Zephaniah 3:5, NLT

Cheaters often have no shame.

Like the wicked in this passage, they continue on their path of destruction without a second thought about how this is shameful behavior.

They can be caught red-handed and try to make it about YOUR supposed faults. Some may even cry–tears for themselves–while they continue to act totally entitled and insist that you needed to do more for them.

Confessions might come in front of the pastor or therapist only for the Cheater to turn the session into a faithful spouse bashing time.

They “know no shame.”

Yes, that sums it up pretty well. The person that their actions and words declare them to be is not a problem in their minds. They have no shame.

It is best to get far away from such a wicked person. Thankfully, we are permitted to divorce such Cheaters (Mt 19:9).

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