Lifestyle of Cheating

In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother.

-I John 3:10, NLT

I wonder if Cheaters act surprised sometimes when caught because they have been cheating so long without detection. Of course, I think the root is arrogance–thinking they’ll never get caught by us.

Another problem is how I suspect they even are fuzzy about all the details of their cheating. This is especially so if they have made cheating a lifestyle. That is what happens when you build a world of lies and deception.

At some point, the deceiver becomes deceived herself or himself.

In other worlds, you play long enough in the land of lies and you lose touch with reality. The ability to discern truth from lie is stripped from you as you have dulled your discernment by willingly choosing lies over truth.

A lifestyle of cheating is incompatible with being a true follower of Jesus. That is made clear in I John 3. You cannot continue to continue to choose sin over righteousness and expect to live with our Holy God.