Like Another Life

Today, I saw a short video highlighting tourist traps across the United States with old European themes. One of the locations was where I honeymooned with my ex-wife.

It was a strange experience. I recognized the pictures and memories came back from that time. However, it was like I was observing another person.

The grief experience is something that comes in waves. Good memories are the worst, in my opinion. They are worst as they remind us that we lost something that was good–at least, in how we perceived it at the time.

I wish I could reach back in time and talk to my younger self. So much I would tell him!

When I was in Connecticut, I remember going to a gym and talking with a middle age man. He told me how as he aged each decade he felt was better as he learned how to live. That has stuck with me and is true to my experience as well.

That honeymoon in the mock-Bavarian village is a lifetime away. But I am grateful for the ways I have grown since!

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