Made me

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”

-Genesis 50:20, NLT

I work in a prison.

It is my day job–i.e. the job that pays the bills. To be honest, I did not see myself working in a prison as I was growing up in my hometown even though we had one.

When I was walking out of the prison the other day, I was pondering whether I would have been ready to work there prior to going to seminary. I considered myself in my twenties fresh out of college. Would I have been ready to work as a Correctional Officer?

I think not.

God had to take me through some stuff to prepare me for the position I currently hold. I had to be disabused of some ideas regarding humanity before I was ready to work with convicted criminals. If I had started prior to that experience, I would have been too trusting and naive.

So, in some important ways, God took the evil of my marriage ending via infidelity by my Cheater to prepare me for what I do today.

God does that. He is the GREAT REDEEMER! He can take whatever junk in our lives there is and redeem it. I wonder what incredible story He is writing with your life. You may be surprised as I was in the end!