Mailbag: Justifying adultery using Proverbs 6:30?

Dear DM,

I’m wondering what your take is on Proverbs 6:30 ? Some who read the Bible thru the lens of their sexuality would use this verse as justification for committing adultery.


Dear Michelle,

Well, let’s first look at what that verse says,

“Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry….”

-Proverbs 6:30, KJV

I assume the argument made by a cheater is one about sexual needs being the same as physical, food needs here. Many problems exist with this “justification.”

First, food needs is not the same as sexual “needs.” We die if we do not satisfy our food needs. People can live full lives as celibates never having sexual intercourse. It is not necessary for one’s survival in other words.

Second, the cheater signed up for monogamy. No one forced him or her to do this. If the cheater was always incapable of monogamy, they never ought to have promised monogamy.

Third, committing adultery–regardless of one’s sexual appetites–remains a violation of the Ten Commandments (see Exodus 20:14). I do not see an exception written into those for people with different sexual “needs.” It just simply prohibits adultery, period.

This is a really bad proof text for a cheater trying to justify adultery. That said, cheaters are known to twist Scripture to incredible lengths to avoid facing the simple spiritual truth:

They are in sin and defying the living God!

This verse does NOT justify such sin. Adultery remains sin. There is no excuse or Bible verse than makes it okay.

Hope that helps!


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