Meaninglessness of wicked prospering

There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: the righteous who get what the wicked deserve, and the wicked who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless.

-Ecclesiastes 8:14, NIV

Life is not fair.

This has been know for centuries as this verse from the writer of Ecclesiastes attests.

Energy we spend trying to figure out this mystery of wicked people prospering–like cheaters–and righteous people–like faithful spouses–struggling is energy spent best elsewhere.

God is mysterious.

This is one of those mysteries.

It is the mystery of suffering stated in another way. Why do good people suffer and bad people prosper? I do not know.

Sometimes, the only answer we have is a question:

Will we trust God or will we try to take over God’s role deciding how the world “should” work?

It is sometimes hard to trust God.

When injustices occur and “good” people suffer, it is really hard. However, I have come to learn that trying to play god–even only in my own heart–never ends well.

We were not made to play that role.

However, we are allowed to trust God and raise our questions. We can share with Him our pain and ask for help through this time of suffering.

Sometimes the only answer that satisfies–as I have experienced it–is a loving sitting with us in silence lending their kind, quiet presence.

It is in those moments that I hear the messages I need:

You are loved.

You are not alone.

Your pain matters to me as I hurt when you hurt.





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