The other day I read an article that asserted divorce prejudice is no longer a thing for the Millennial generation.
This comes along with the statistics that Millennials are keeping the divorce rates down compared to Boomers.
I don’t know if I agree.
This might be true for Millennials outside the evangelical church world. However, I am not sure the (unbiblical) divorce prejudice has died yet for evangelicals in my generation.
While I have not done a scientific survey, I will never forget how difficult it was to come out as a divorce millennial in my dating profile on eHarmony.
(Pro-tip: When you do start dating having learned to like yourself again, be sure to put this status out front in your profile. It susses out those who can’t handle being real.)
Gals I was starting to “date” or communicate with online would drop me as soon as they learned I was divorced. These were Christian gals.
It happened more than once.
(Unbiblical) divorce prejudice is definitely alive and well in Millennials who come from evangelical Christian backgrounds as I experienced it.
Obviously, this is something that can be overcome. Not every Millennial holds this prejudice–thank you, Mrs. DM–just as not everyone in the other generations have such a prejudice either.
However, I am not sure it is fair to trumpet victory over this prejudice for Millennials just yet.
It is not fair to those faithful spouses re-engaging with the dating world. The expectation isn’t realistic to believe that they won’t deal with prejudice in this generation. It happens.
That said, there is hope as I discovered. Like finding the right and real friends, we just have to keep looking and investing in those relationships that are actually life-giving.
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