Misplaced Concern

“I really hope he didn’t feel uncomfortable with anything,” says Cheater.

“What about my comfort with how things are? Why are you more concerned about him than me, your husband?” says faithful spouse.

Being a good host is one thing. Taking a particular guest’s opinion and comfort into consideration OVER your spouse’s is another thing.

This is a sign of an emotional affair. Your spouse’s opinions ought to matter than another (potential) partner’s.

Care for that other person and contempt for your spouse indicates an affair of the heart is in full bloom.

It is possible the affair is more than just “in the heart.” They have made it physical as well. Minimally, the emotional affair line has been crossed.

“Forsaking all others” means not putting another in front of your spouse. By placing another’s concerns over your spouses, the Cheater is breaking this solemn marital vow.