My Birthday

I am another year old today.

It is so easy to take our days and years for grated. But we shouldn’t. You never know when this run will end.

I am so grateful for this life that God has given me:

The body He has gifted to me. The family I have as pure grace. The friends that enrich my life. The new job that provides both for my physical needs and fulfills my vocation.

When I was going through my separation, adultery discovery, and divorce, I wondered if life was worth it. I am so glad God convinced me it was.+

My life is SO full to overflowing a mere seven years later that it boggles the mind!

Do not give up hope. The pain will pass. Then you, too, one day will have your own gratitude list.


+If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to appropriate mental health professionals for support. Here in the USA, the suicide helpline is 1-800-273-8255. (Website for online chat: Click Here)