No reasoning with them

When Cheaters have decided to discard you, there is no reasoning with them. They have already closed their minds.

To them, you are this evil person that they are “entitled” to cheat on and discard. Facts to the contrary will not be entertained. They are totally given over to the lies in their hearts.

You cannot reason a fool out of their folly!

Honestly, it works out better if you don’t try. It will just earn you more abuse from the contempt-filled Cheater. They do not like you being “uppity” and daring to point out reality.

Plus, you are better without your Cheater. It might not initially feel that way. However, we are better without someone who is abusing us–and cheating is abuse!


Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools,
    or you will become as foolish as they are.

-Proverbs 26:4, NLT

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