No Rest for the Wicked

 So God’s rest is there for people to enter, but those who first heard this good news failed to enter because they disobeyed God.

-Hebrews 4:6, NLT

Rest and peace are not in the offering for those who choose disobedience over godliness.

And those who truly are not bothered by their wicked deeds are the sort of people in line for a rough reckoning come death (see 2 Corinthians 5:10).

This lack of peace–in my opinion–is evident in interactions with cheaters who cannot let go of trying to manipulate the narrative and push the faithful spouse into agreeing that they deserved it.

Such cheaters are stuck.

They are denied God’s peace.

Denied God’s peace because they continue to choose disobedience over repentance.

So, God has ordered the moral universe in such a way that leaves them in this place of internal turmoil until either they repent or their conscience becomes seared as with a hot iron (see 1 Timothy 4:2)–i.e. they become insensitive to morality in general.

I wish all cheaters find peace. My ex-wife included. But…

The only way–as I read Scripture–to such peace is the path of repentance. A cheater must choose to stop sinning and start obeying God.

If not, then eternal peace–and quiet possibly temporal peace as well–are not in the offering!