Not about caring about self too little!

Only fools say in their hearts,
    “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their actions are evil;
    not one of them does good!

-Psalm 14:1, NLT

Cheaters do not become Cheaters because they are selfless creatures sacrificing what they want for others.

Any Cheater feeding you this sort of narrative is VERY self-deceived! There is not much hope for that Cheater to change. They are utterly blind to their sins and have developed a false martyr identity to shield themselves from seeing the truth.

Cheating comes from selfish, overindulgence of wicked desires within the Cheater’s heart (see Mk 7:21-23).

The problem isn’t that the Cheater has ignored their “needs” too long. Rather, the problem is the Cheater has failed to deny temptation in their heart to sin and give into wicked desires within.

Cheaters are not concerned with how their actions destroy the fabric of the community around them. In the moment, they are all about indulging in what feels good for them!

Cheating is all about “ME!” for the Cheater.

There is nothing noble about cheating. It is wicked, selfish, and destructive. That is the ugly truth.