Not all equal

My (now) ex and I went to a couple who were lay ministers. That was a mistake (if the goal was to avoid divorce).

They were well-meaning people, but they were also very wrong in assessing our situation. Instead of focusing on my ex’s need to truly repent and repair our marriage due to her admitted emotional infidelity, they treated me as the problem.

Looking back, I believe they aided my ex in discarding me and soothing her conscience in the process. They told her what she wanted to hear.

The point in writing this is to warn you that not all ministers are equal. Some can be very damaging to both you and the marriage–if you’re worried about that.

I can be grateful, now, that my first marriage ended. It is an unanswered prayer that led me to the wonderful family I have today. I am SOOO grateful for Mrs. DM and Munchkin!

Yet, I look back at those days and shake my head at what I tolerated. Learn from my mistakes:

Don’t keep going back to ministers that treat infidelity–yes, emotional infidelity, too–as a side show to marriage problems!