Not a communication problem. A SIN problem.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

-Exodus 20:14, KJV

And Jesus replied: “‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely.”

-Mathew 19:18, NLT

A running “joke” among marriage therapists I understand is that every issue is a communication issue among couples.

I disagree.

Adultery is not a communication problem.

Committing adultery is a sin problem. And notice that Jesus does not have to call this rich young ruler’s wife to deliver the command to him about not committing adultery.

My point?

It does not take your spouse’s involvement to keep the command NOT to commit adultery.

Jesus does not bother to question the rich young man about his wife. Maybe she was an awful shrew who nagged him constantly and refused him sex for years? It doesn’t matter as far as keeping the commandments.

That is on the rich young ruler. It is not on his wife however awful or wonderful she may be.

And the same thing goes for every spouse–whether a husband or wife. The command to NOT commit adultery does not depend on communication skills.

It depends upon character–namely, faithfulness in keeping God’s commandments.