“Nothing to do with our marriage problems?” Really?!

“[Other Woman] has nothing to do with our marriage problems,” says caught Cheater.

“Really? ‘NOTHING to do with our marriage problems?'” replies flabbergasted faithful spouse.

Cheaters will try to hold onto the marriage narrative with an iron grip. That is what this exchange illustrates.

They refuse to be seen as the “bad guy” in the marriage ending. This is the case even when they are objectively the “bad guy.” In that instance, they change the subject and point out their pet peeves in the marriage as the issue.

You are wasting energy and your emotional well-being trying to get someone like this to see reality and repent. They are not interested!

The affair partner is not a marriage problem to them. In fact, they find that affair partner enjoyable, and Cheaters believe their vote is the only one that counts. Divorce court says otherwise.

You cannot reason with such a deluded individual who has lost the ability to see the damage they have done to others. It is best to detach and create distance for your own well-being.

The mercy of divorce is offered to Christians precisely for situations like these (see Mt 5:32 and 19:9)!